Album Review: Joan As Police Woman - The Deep Field

Not knowing much about Joan Wasser, I wasn't sure what to expect from The Deep Field. Apparently, it is more upbeat and melodic than her previous efforts and, many say, more commercial. Indeed, I have heard it described as 'veering a little too close to MOR'.
There's certainly a dreamy, wispy quality about The Deep Field which is nice without ever being particularly engaging. It is a record which gently washes over you without ever really making you sit up and take notice of what you're listening to. As background music to my work today (I have listened to it three times) it has been fine, but it's not catchy enough that I could recall any of it and not lyrically interesting enough that I can recite any of the themes either.
Perfectly listenable, but it has gone in one ear and, pretty much, straight out of the other.
2 Discussions:
I have both her previous albums and have seen her perform live at least twice. Although I enjoyed both records and gigs, I couldn't name a single song or honestly tell you that I've listened to the CDs more than once or twice. Make of that what you will. One of those artists I feel I ought to make more of an effort with and have never quite got around to.
played at Glee tonight, apparently. I stayed in and watched the rugby and then True Blood, so I can't honestly say I was sorry to have missed her. I do need to check the giglists more carefully though, I think.
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