all the signs are there

Well, I could have sworn I wrote this yesterday, but Blogger appears to have eaten it. There you go.
Considering I have seen no publicity surrounding the release of this album and that my local HMV didn't have it in their "new releases" category, perhaps it is some anti-Thirteen Senses conspiracy. Who knows?
"The Invitation" is one of my favourite albums of recent years and"Contact" basically takes on where that left off.
It's a fair bit more guitar based, a bit stronger and grittier and I like it. By their own admission, their live performances have always fallen a bit flat mainly due to "The Invitaion"'s melodic but gentle content. Thie record retains the tunes, but adds a bit more depth to the sound.
It's unmistakeably a Thirteen Senses record. The soaring gentle vocals, the piano, the laid-bare sound makes it so. But it is a bit like "X&Y" in the sense that it's a "bigger" record - retaining the bands sound whilst making it somehow stronger and more guitar based. The opening track "Contact", the single "All The Love In Your Hands" and the beautiful "A Lot Of Silence Here" are stand out tracks.
If you dislike Thirteen Senses, I doubt this will persuade you otherwise. And despite the fact I like it, I worry that it won't do enough to prolong their stay much beyond this album. So let's enjoy them whilst we can, eh?
1 Discussions:
I have to agree, "The Invitation" was an outstanding album.
I've seen them live twice, once supporting Magic Numbers (I think) and another supporting Embrace. Both times they delivered a great set, but yeah, no eye candy here. I must admit, I found it quite frustrating that he sits at his keyboards the entire performance and that's doubly frustrating when the rest of the band dominate the stage by either being stood up or behind huge drum kits.
I've yet to hear any of their new stuff, so I'll let you know when I manage to track it down.
Thanks for the heads up though.
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