Album Review: The Vaccines - What Did You Expect From The Vaccines?

Listening to this album for the first time, the answer to the question posed by its title was 'not really sure'. Having only been formed last June, the Vaccines rise to fame is pretty stratospheric, finishing third in the BBC's Sound of 2011 poll earlier this year.
Bits of What Did You Expect...? are short, high energy punk, particularly the rousing opener Wrecking Bar (Ra Ra Ra); 84 seconds of loud, guitar fuelled attitude. There are plenty of short, sharp and engaging tracks here with driving guitar and fierce drumming.
However, I actually like the Vaccines in more reflective mood. A Lack Of Understanding is a terrific record, and I absolutely love the single Post Break-Up Sex.
Whilst I'm not sure there is anything terribly original going on here, it's a record that is instantly accessible and very easy to like. Catchy, loud and punchy, the Vaccines appear to have hit on something of a winning formula.
1 Discussions:
Have you listened to Funeral Party's "Golden Age of Knowhere"? I love it and can't stop listening to it!
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